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in Nepal

Volunteering with us can be a transformative experience, both for the communities you serve and for yourself. As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of people who are facing real challenges, while also learning about a unique culture and gaining valuable skills.

At its heart, volunteering in rural Nepali village is about being an agent of change. It’s about stepping outside of your comfort zone, challenging yourself to learn and grow, and making a real difference in the lives of those around you. Whether you are teaching English to children, helping to build homes or schools, or working on conservation projects, your contribution can have a lasting impact on the community.

Volunteering in Nepal also offers a chance to immerse yourself in a rich and diverse culture. From the majestic Himalayas to the bustling streets of Kathmandu, Nepal is a country of breathtaking beauty and deep spiritual significance. By volunteering, you have the opportunity to explore this incredible country and connect with its people on a profound level.

In addition, volunteering in Nepali rural communities can help you develop valuable skills and experiences that will benefit you both personally and professionally. You can gain leadership and communication skills, build a network of like-minded individuals, and gain a unique perspective that can help you stand out in today’s globalized world.

So, if you are looking for a meaningful and impactful way to give back, consider volunteering in Nepal. As an agent of change, you can make a real difference in the lives of those around you, while also experiencing a lifechanging journey of your own.

various opportunities

As a volunteer in a rural Nepali village, there are various opportunities that you can get involved in, depending on your skills, interests, and availability.

Construction and Renovation:

Volunteers can assist in the rebuilding of homes and community infrastructure that were damaged by the earthquake. This could include tasks such as painting, bricklaying, plastering, and carpentry.
Farm Volunteering

Farming and Agriculture:

Many Nepali villagers rely on farming for their livelihoods. Volunteers can work alongside locals in planting, harvesting, and cultivating crops. You can also help with the maintenance of the farms and the construction of irrigation systems.


Volunteers can help with teaching English or other subjects at local schools. You can also assist in creating educational materials and organizing after-school programs.
Health care


Volunteers can work alongside local healthcare professionals to provide basic medical services and health education to the community.

Community Development:

Volunteers can get involved in various community development projects such as water and sanitation initiatives, sustainable energy projects, and waste management.

Cultural Exchange:

Volunteering in a Nepali village is a great opportunity to learn about Nepali culture and traditions. You can participate in cultural events, learn traditional cooking techniques, and exchange ideas with the local community.

Social Media Management:

Digital volunteers can help organizations manage their social media presence by creating content, scheduling posts, responding to messages, and engaging with followers. This helps organizations to raise awareness, connect with their audience, and promote their mission.

Website Design and Development

Volunteers with web design and development skills can assist organizations in designing and maintaining their websites. They can help with tasks such as creating new pages, updating existing content, and optimizing the site for search engines.

Data Entry and Analysis:

Digital volunteers can assist organizations with data entry, data analysis, and data visualization. This helps organizations to better understand their impact and make data-driven decisions.

Translation and Interpretation:

Volunteers who are fluent in multiple languages can assist organizations with translation and interpretation. This helps organizations to communicate with non-native speakers and reach a wider audience.

Content Creation:

Digital volunteers can create various types of content, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, and infographics. This helps organizations to educate their audience, tell their story, and raise awareness about their cause.

Online Tutoring and Mentoring:

Digital volunteers can provide online tutoring and mentoring to students and individuals who need assistance. This helps individuals to improve their skills, achieve their goals, and gain confidence.

Online Fundraising:

Digital volunteers can help organizations with online fundraising campaigns by creating donation pages, promoting the campaign on social media, and reaching out to potential donors. This helps organizations to raise funds and support their mission.


Cultural Differences:

Rural Nepali communities have their own unique customs and traditions that may be different from what volunteers are accustomed to. Volunteers should be open-minded and respectful of these cultural differences.

Basic Living Conditions:

Volunteers should be prepared to live in basic accommodations such as homestays or dormitories. These accommodations may have limited amenities such as no hot water or limited electricity. Volunteers should also be prepared for the lack of western-style toilets and the need to use squat toilets.

Limited Resources:

Rural Nepali communities may have limited resources such as food, water, and medical supplies. Volunteers should be prepared to adapt to these circumstances and be resourceful.

Physical Demands:

Some volunteer projects may involve physical labor, such as construction or farming. Volunteers should be prepared to work outdoors in varying weather conditions and be physically fit for the tasks they will undertake.

Language Barriers:

Rural Nepali communities may have limited English language skills. Volunteers should be prepared to communicate through gestures, body language, and possibly a translator.

Slow Pace of Life:

Life in rural Nepali communities may move at a slower pace than what volunteers are accustomed to. Volunteers should be prepared to adjust their expectations and embrace a more relaxed way of life.
Overall, volunteers should expect to be immersed in a new and different culture, and be prepared to learn from the local community while offering their own skills and expertise to help make a positive impact. With the right mindset, volunteering in a rural Nepali community can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

Code of conducts

Respect the Local Culture:

Volunteers should respect the local customs, traditions, and religious practices of the community. This includes dressing modestly, being aware of appropriate behavior and body language, and avoiding any behavior that may be considered disrespectful or offensive.

Be Responsible and Accountable:

Volunteers should be responsible and accountable for their actions and commitments. They should communicate clearly with their hosts and project coordinators and show up on time for scheduled activities.

Prioritize Safety and Health:

Volunteers should take measures to ensure their own safety and health. This includes following safety guidelines for any physical work, taking necessary precautions against illness, and respecting any rules regarding curfews or security.

Practice Humility:

Volunteers should approach their work with humility and a willingness to learn from the community. They should avoid acting as if they know what is best for the community and instead take direction from local leaders and project coordinators.

Maintain Confidentiality:

Volunteers should maintain confidentiality regarding any sensitive information they may encounter during their work. This includes respecting privacy and avoiding sharing sensitive information about individuals or communities with outside parties.

Be Mindful of Resources:

Volunteers should be mindful of the limited resources in rural communities and avoid wasting food, water, or other resources. They should also be aware of any environmental concerns and take steps to minimize their impact.
By following these guidelines, volunteers can ensure that they have a respectful and positive experience while working in rural Nepali communities, and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the community.

Surrouding of the Project Site

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The current project site is situated in Thulo Bangthali, a rural village in the Chaurideurali Rural municipality of Kavre District. The site is located at an altitude ranging between 1700-2200 meters and offers stunning views of Mahabharat range and Sailungeshwor Mahadev towards the south. If you hike for 15 minutes, you can also enjoy panoramic mountain views of Annapurna, Langtang range, Gaurishankar, and Makalu mountain.

The community in Thulo Bangthali is diverse, comprising Tamang, Chhetri, Brahmins, Newar, and Bishowkarma ethnic groups. Most of the residents practice Hinduism and Buddhism. Despite a population of around 5000 people, the houses are spread out and appear to be in distant locations, giving the impression of fewer people.

The nearest hospital from the project site is located at a two-hour walking distance, while a basic health post is situated only 30 minutes away. 

For shopping and grocery needs, there is a mini-store in the area selling Nepali goods, including cookies. However, the store has limited options, and visitors in need of branded items are advised to bring them along.

Life of volunteers
At the project site

  • 7:30 – 8:00 Breakfast
  • 11:30 Lunch
  • 15:30 – 17:30 Tea Time
  • 18:30 Camfire
  • 19:30 Dinner

At the project site, volunteers typically start their day early with tea and hot water served at 6 am. For those who enjoy yoga and meditation, there is a peaceful setting available. Children often come early to play sports like football and volleyball.

Volunteers are served breakfast between 7:30 – 8:00 am, following which the volunteering work starts at 8:15 am. A lunch break is taken at 11:30 am, during which a traditional Nepali dish, dal bhat, is served. After lunch, volunteering work resumes at 12:15 pm and goes on till 3:30 pm. Those who want to put in more effort can continue working beyond this time. Tea and other herbal drinks are served between 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. At around 6:30 pm, a campfire is lit where all the volunteers and staff members come together to review the day and prepare for the next day. Dinner is served at 7:30 pm. Volunteers are expected to go to bed before 9 pm, although during weekends, the campfire may continue till late.

Nature of volunteering work

The nature of the volunteer tasks may vary depending on the specific needs of the community. Our objective is to provide assistance in any way possible to the people and the community. Typically, volunteers will engage in physical outdoor activities such as construction work and carrying stones or mortar. However, there may be occasions when volunteers will accompany locals to collect wood and grass or assist farmers in the fields. It is important for volunteers to be open-minded and adaptable to the tasks assigned to them.


While we don’t enforce mandatory fees, we kindly request a $15 per day contribution to sustain the project, cover meals, and support the community.

We understand individual circumstances vary, and we’re open to finding solutions if this amount poses a challenge for you.

What’s Included 

    • Three Typical Meals Per Day
    • Private or shared accommodation
    • Unlimited Natural Herbal Tea
    • Village tour
    • Certificates and Token of Love

WHY pay for volunteering ?

  1. Resource Allocation : Funds collected from fees are allocated to cover essential resources for volunteers, such as meals, accommodations, or training materials. This ensures that volunteers have the necessary support to carry out their tasks effectively.

  2. Project Sustainability: The fees contribute to the sustainability of our organization and the successful execution of various projects. They help cover operational costs, ensuring that our initiatives can continue making a positive impact.

  3. Volunteer Commitment: A nominal fee may be requested to gauge the commitment level of volunteers. This helps ensure that individuals who join our efforts are genuinely interested and invested in contributing to our organizational goals.

  4. Financial Flexibility: Having a financial buffer through fees allows us to navigate unforeseen circumstances or emergencies that may arise during the course of projects. This financial flexibility is crucial for maintaining the resilience of our organization.

  5. Equal Participation: While fees are not meant to create barriers, they can promote equal participation by fostering a sense of shared responsibility among volunteers. This financial commitment ensures that all individuals involved have an equal stake in the success of our organization.

  6. Additional Services: In some instances, we use the collected fees to offer additional services or benefits, such as training programs, certifications, or special events. This enriches the overall volunteer experience and adds value to the contributions of our dedicated volunteers.

We respect and value each volunteer equally, acknowledging the significant contributions made through their hard work. Any additional support you can provide plays a vital role in community growth and project success. Your participation in any form is genuinely appreciated.